Oil painting basics 1

Aim. To introduce the beginner to some basic theory and practice of oil painting using the Alla Prima method (painting in one session). You will leave with a finished painting.

What does it cost: £60

When are the workshops: Click here for dates

Does it attract iPrice scheme: No

Who is your Tutor? Christopher Delni Offord

How long is the workshop: 6 hours (10am to 4pm)

Who is it designed for? Beginners and adults who are just starting off considering oil painting or those who need a refresher.

Outline workshop content

Underpainting/blocking in
Colour mixing
Colour application

What to bring? We supply all materiels. Just bring yourself and refreshments.

Summary. An exiting journey into the interesting and challenging teching of Alla Prima painting ( in one session). This workshop will add so much to your portfolio of experience and encourage you to try more

Need to know more? Feel free to contact our studio gallery and discuss dates and booking.